Thursday, November 11, 2010

In These Boots

I've been really dreading the approaching cold months in the midwest. I don't mind the fall. Really, I don't.
The colors are amazing (see?),

the temperatures are right around perfect (especially this Fall), holidays are surrounded by food--I could go on. The major problem I have with Fall--it's only a small cry from Winter. Is it not obvious how I feel about that bitch? In the winter not much good goes on: I turn a year older (What up Capricorns!?!), the roads suck, ICE.STORMS, heating costs, it COLD---just barf.

So this year I planned ahead for the cool weather blues. I used shop therapy. That's right folks. I splurged on boots. THREE pair. It's not healthy, and no good ever comes of it--usually (this time it did). It's the addict's rush. Can I afford to (selfishly) buy three pair of boots? Not really. Do I need boots? Yea, actually I do. Three pair? Hmm... that's unknown. I bought a black pair, brown pair, and a gray pair. Seems sensible to me. Besides I needed a pick me up for the dreaded Fall months. Did I convience anyone that this was a smart buy? Did I mention they were on sale? So yesterday when I woke up from a doze with my favorite little man, I was pretty thrilled to find my goodies on the porch. It was like Christmas for Mama up in here! Now that I'm Fall prepped (inside the goody box was also some jeans, sweaters and other Fall stuff) we are still getting hit with 65+ degree days--not that I'm complaining. I'm LOVING it! I'm actually sitting on the swing in shorts enjoying this day right now. BUT now that I have my boots, I WANT to wear them . So yesterday, even though it was 70-something, you better believe I wore my fuzzy black knee boots all day. They make me feel---powerful. I've never really owned a pair of boots--not because I didn't like them. The last few years I've been too busy doing the Mommy thing to pay attention to fashion and way back when I did have time for trends, boots were for sluts. Ha. It's funny 'cuz it's true. So boots: back on track: When I wear them I just feel so woman. Even when I'm made-up I still always wear that Mama-Hat, but in these boots, I'm like superwoman. I was feeling all confident and maybe even a little sexy by the time Husband got home. I think he was a little taken back by my outfit--He apparently is a fan of the boots, too. It was requested that I make dinner in them. (I felt wanted. A feeling that I only have time for every so often.) That more sex goal we were talking about? I'll be able to classify that one done soon. Oh and those boots? Consider them broken in. TMI? Too don't HAVE to read :)  Sex. Sex. Sex.

So point? Not really. Just that I hate Winter, Fall is okay, and boots=sex. So in honor of embracing the Fall months, here are a few original (copyrighted) fall inspired photos:

Also, some exciting news: I went from one follower (myself--I don't know how I'm following myself?? Accident? Standard? Anyways..) to THREE followers! Hey I'm excited about it! Someone is actually reading this ridiculous crap? Well, I want to take a minute to send a shout out to my new bloggy-friends! What up, Ladies?! Thanks for stalking me!

 PS: I would post a new pic of me and the love affair I call my black boots--but I'm not quite that vein. They're great though--promise! 

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