While searching said 5billion blogs, I've come across some really incredible women--and men, too, but I'll be honest--I'm bias to my gender when it comes to my following. I've found Moms who battle weight, Moms who love to cook, Moms who work constantly, Moms who are hilarious... I'm loving this blog world. I get to listen to people who I relate to, people who I could once relate to, people I would like to relate to and people that just inspire me. I get to have support in my life just by reading someone else's thoughts. I know this is nothing new.. the blog world has to be ancient by now, but it's new to me. And I happen to find it to be incredible, thank you very much. :)
And who knows? Maybe someone will read my posts and think the same thing.
Anyways...what's been happening?
My Dad is on some hunting expedition in the middle of nowhere along with his pop up camper and generator---ya know, real camping. He's been out there "scoping" the woods for about a week now. My Mom figured he could use some company so she decided we should go down and have 'dinner' with him last night. We scarf up, glove down, button tight and head down toward camp with iffy directions. We pull of onto the dirt path and sure enough we see a campfire the size of a Volkswagen and cheesy light-up American Flag decorations. Yep, found it. All I could think was, "Good God, he's begging to be sodomized, skinned and left for bait out here..." We got out, woke the kids up (they fell asleep--still not quite adjusted to this damn time change) and headed to what appeared to be a small burning village--turns out it was just the campfire. No pictures. Major fail.
So instead I'll give you a picture of the Chief and I. I chose this pic, because it shows..his, ugh.. charisma.

Anyways, the kids were excited to see Nana and Papa and we quickly started our 5 course meal-- buns, hot dogs, chocolate, marshmallows, and graham crackers. Then the remaining of the time was spent blocking children from jumping into the flames--seriously it seemed like they were trying to dive in to the open fire. Um, hello? Does the intense heat melting your boots and face not clue you in that it could be a bad deal if you fall in? Ugh..the moments they resemble their father. Joking, of course--it probably comes from me. So it was a decent night. Ashton thought it was cool to pee where the deer do and Haven thought it hilarious that Papa gave her a bucket to pee in.--which it was. The bucket kept slipping out from under her before she could begin to pee. We finally got the right balance and she got the deal done. We were both laughing so hard, I don't know how we came out urine free. She's probably telling her teacher all about it right now. She probably skipped the fact that we were at a campsite. Her teacher is probably contemplating reporting the possibility of no running water in our house. Good thing we squeezed a shower in before she became a zombie last night. I don't think the dirt would have helped our case. We also had a back-up coat for this morning--no smoke smell or camp-stamps anywhere. Go Me!
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