Sunday, January 23, 2011

Meet Me On Monday::.

I heard about this link up through Jessica. It's Meet Me On Monday over at Never Growing Old. Swing over and say "hi" to Java and link up! 

1.  What is your favorite kind of fudge?

Chocolate (not dark) with nuts of course. Preferably my Memaw's recipe (hand picked black walnuts included)--which none of us have perfected yet. 

2.  Is there snow outside your window?


This is right outside my bedroom window. Yep. We have snow. Although it's beautiful and fun to play in--and I really have taken the time to enjoy it this year, I just don't care for snow. I wish I could say, "Snow?? What's that???" Buuuuuut we have about 6 inches hanging around and are expecting a few more. Is it Spring yet?

3.  What is your favorite meal of the day?
Dinner! We're all together (most of the time) and at the table. Dinner is easily my favorite. This weird looking, but delicious dish is what Haven has dubbed "Cheesy, Cheesy Baked Spaghetti-Lasagna." (Ignore the burnt cheese on the sides and the chip in my casserole dish-- STOPJUDGINME!! :)  I've made this dish a lot this lately. I plan on making it Thursday and linking up with Keli at Feeding Four  for her "What's Cooking Thursday" link up. But who knows...I might change my mind and do something different.

4.  Do you text on your cell phone?
I'm a sexting texting machine! If I'm not texting, we're not talking. Very rarely do I talk on the phone...unless it's business related and even then I communicate a lot through text. I'm busy, and I usually have people under 4ft (not midgets--my kids) screaming, playing and being as loud as possible. Anytime I may get on the phone for a conversation, somehow my kids censor in immediately and know to amp up the volume a few notches. I don't know how they do it, but it never fails--even if I hide. 

 5.  Waffles or pancakes?

Firstly, for those of you that didn't see this coming... I apologize. Really, I sorta do. I couldn't find any cute pictures of our pancake creations (hearts, fish, etc.), so I just used this breakfast shot I took of the breakfast I made for the Husband (aren't I hilarious?) when the kiddos were at Nana's. SO obviously, I chose pancakes. Although I have no prejudice against waffles. Waffles and I? We're on good terms. 

All photos belong to me--except photo 1 and 4--I used those courtesy of google. 

Corel® PaintShop Photo® Pro X3 Giveaway Thanks to Jessica::.

My new friend Jessica over at Mommy to a Lil Lady[bug] is having a FANTASTIC giveaway: Corel® PaintShop Photo® Pro X3 is up for grabs. I'm constantly editing photos and I go about it the hard way with ghetto editors. I want this program. I need this program. You can go enter, too....although I would be okay if you didn't. ;) Browse Jessica's blog, too. She's always doing giveaways, reviews, she's a Mommy and she's a good little photographer. 

Color Splash Sunday::.

It's Color Splash Sunday over at Artistically Amy and I'm linking up.

 I LOVE splash color.... I don't know why I've been such a stranger in CSS. It's one of my favorite editing styles. I chose this picture of Ashton for two reasons: 

1. Ashton's face is HIL.AR.IOUS.

2. The blue sky is PERFECT. 

You should head over and link up, too. Doooooo it. 

Friday, January 21, 2011

SOOC Saturday Week #3 Link Up::.

This is a shot I caught of Ashton while we were out snowing it up. The Husband is running through the snow with rope in hand, over the custom built ramp, with this little guy on the other end. He defiantly got some air! Haven was in on the fun too.

I'm joining my new blog friend, Amy, over at Marvelous Mommy for her Straight Out of the Camera link up. (raw, unedited photos..straight out of your camera!) Go check out the other great photos and link up!

Fix-It Friday::83

Original shot by Angie.

My Edit 1
For this edit, I used simple techniques in Picasa. I brightened the sky, shadowed the harsh lines in the trees for texture and added a slight glow overlay.

My Edit 2
For this edit I used Picnik Editor. I repeated steps from edit 1, added matte frame in a burnt autumn color, soften all lines and used a glow overlay.

My Edit 3
It wouldn't be right if I didn't do a black and white with pop color. It's just me. I use it for everything. I saw the original and fell in love with the green shoes...and with foliage like that, how could I not? To start off, I used the same steps as in edit 1. I then went black and white in Picnik and restored the color in the trees and shoes. Bam.

Check out all the other incredible edits over at iheartfaces for Fix It Friday!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

i[heart]faces::Winter Wonderland

I chose this picture of Ashton for this week's iheartfaces challange. The theme is Winter Wonderland. Go check out the other entries, and get brave and link up.

Oh ya! Don't forget to ENTER IN MY FIRST GIVEAWAY!!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

My First Giveaway!

I'm pimpping myself out...well, not really. I think I'll get more reaction this way (or not? hahah!)........

with my tie-dye skills.

That's right I tie-dye lika hippie flying acid in 1969. Selling my stuff is new and in the making, but you can check some of my work out HERE.

So, I figured what better way to kick it off than a giveaway?? Who doesn't want to hang out in tie-dye? If colors don't make you happy, nothing can. So enter! You can enter by:
  • Following me Google Connect
  • Leave me a comment on a post other than this one--just say hi! I'm good with that!
  • Find me on FaceBook at Live Out Loud Tie-Dye Creations. We have basically 0 fans, so hook a girl up. 
Each is a must, but each counts as an entry.

That's it! You don't have to write a post, but I appreciate anyone willing to spread the word <3

Giveaway closes 02/17/2011 at 11:59PM Central Time. I'll use random selection to pick the winner.

Leave a comment on this post for each entry completed.

So what do you win???!!

I'm giving away a custom tie-dye youth t-shirt. Completely free. Free shipping, too. Kids love these shirts! You pick your youth size and colors--up to three.

I love to give gifts, so no telling what the winner will end up with.

I will contact the winner via email so be sure to include your email address on at least one of your entries. 

Also if you're interested: I can pretty much tie-dye anything, with a HUGE variety of styles and colors, but there are a few examples and suggestions on that link. Check it out and tell yo friends! Good luck!

Spanking Strangers::.

Homeschooling? What do you guys think??

The Husband & I were talking about maybe trying homeschooling with Haven (6) and Ashton (almost 4). Which is weird, because my opinion used the be that homeschooled children become weirdos. Well, now that I have children...I see that they're already weirdos...and I love every second of it! They're curious, smart, funny, polite--and that's a minority around here. We live in a community with lots of crackhead moms, jobless lazies, and abuse--drug and domestic. That's the school district anyways. We actually live close to 10miles out of town. When we bought this house, we were under the impression that we were in another, better funded, school district. So thanks to said crackheads, lazies and abuse there are little fuck-head delinquents running around sharing all sorts of colorful words with my 6 year old. Not only the language just the disrespect in general that most of these kids have. It's awful. I'm sick of explaining to my kids that some people just to know how to treat others and to not be offended by douche-bags.

Yesterday was the last day of Eagle Days, so we took the kids down to The Lodge the view the bald eagles. We hopped around the lake to different displays and sighting spots. (It was really cool (and muther-spanking-cold) and I'll post a few pics at the end. If you make it that far....) After all that fun, we took the kids to lunch at Mcdon's (barf.) to eat and play in the playplace.

They ate first, because I'm a jerk like that, then they were set loose. They aren't perfect, by any means--there are times I would rather duct tape mouths than listen to the arguing--but in normal circumstance, they carry respect. RESPECT. The only rule in our house. "Carry respect for yourself, beliefs, opinions and things, as well as respect for other people, their beliefs, opinions and things."  After a few minutes of play some crazy demon-trapped-in-an-8yr-old-boy's-body entered the play zone. He went through his first round where I see in the tubes that he's climbing over and kicking my kids. It's pisses me off, but a foot to the face is expected in those things. Settle Mama. He comes down the slide and shouts, "Ugh, I HATE those kids!!!" The dad? Says nothing. The mom? Says nothing. I'm completely flabbergasted. My kids are looking at me like, "What the fuck is this douche talking about? We're the weirdos? Look at that kid climbing under the slide where it obviously NEVER gets swept. Does this kid have brain damage?!" Maybe I read in a little too deep, but that's my translation. I'm looking at the parents waiting for some sort of apology of sign of discipline or even embarrassment.... nothing. I didn't really say anything, but it was probably aware that I wanted to punch an 8yr old. I let it go. My two are in the trampoline part and the heathen and his sister joined them. There's clear walls, and from where I was sitting I could see perfectly inside. Haven leaves the room heading to a tunnel and the sister follows. Ashton goes to follow and that little mutha-chucking-shit-face pushed my 3yr old son! A OH!-NO-HE-DIDN'T moment took over. I was pointing my mom finger before I even knew I was on my feet and at the play equipment. "DON'T PUSH HIM!" I got a look that said 'a little pee came out.' I wanted to pull his hair (stopjudgingme). I turn and flashed one nasty fucking look to Mommy-Mindless and Daddy-Weenie-Hut-Jr. Before I could get to my seat I see Kyle pointing at Haven who was now swatting at the shit because he was in her face. SO...I look over. Nothing. These people need a parenting lesson. Here we go bitches, take note. It went like this:

Me: "HAVEN! Do. Not. Hit."
Haven: "Mom! He's hitting me and Ashton!"
Me: "I'm NOT his mother, but YOU. Will. Not. Hit. That is not how WE treat people. Move away from him."

FINALLY Mommy-Mindless pulls him out to have a "talk." That didn't help really, but my kids managed to keep distance.

It was frustrating and it got me thinking about the kids that go to the same school as my kids. Then I quickly started thinking about homeschooling. I've done some research and read a few blogs and it seems like something that would work with our schedule and maybe managed in the budget with LOTS of adjustments. Of course:

  • dance class, karate class, music lessons, and whatever else we find would be a encouraged options. 
  • they would still be able to participate in summer sports.
  • they are young enough that they wouldn't be missing friends or connections they've made.
  • we can teach things that gear a person for life--not just tests. 
  • AND they wouldn't be vulnerable to shit-head kids. 

I don't know--it's A LOT to think about. Weigh in and give me your thoughts... Do any of you homeschool your kids? Do any of you know someone home-schooled that struggles with interaction, or does more than fine with interaction? Were any of you home-schooled?

As promised...

Friday, January 7, 2011

I Can Read!

I am going to share with you some greatness.

WeGiveBooks <-----

This is AMAZING! Basically, you read children's books online for FREE and WeGiveBooks will send brand-spankin-new books to charities like The OCHO Project (donated to underprivileged kids across the U.S.-this is the one we read for), Hope For Haiti, Harlem's Children Zone & more. Read A Book, Give A Book. Easy. They have a ton of books, and hello? It's free. You're reading for charity AND the quality time with your kid(s) is the cherry on top. Perfect. I JUST signed up and Ashton and I have already read one book. Feeling all givey and stuff.
 Ummm, by the way...who knew Dean Koontz was a children's author?? I know of his kick-ass suspense writings, but Trixie and Jinx--I had no clue. Don't judge me if this is common knowledge...I'm not common. ;) Google is my next stop--time to get schooled.

 the Dean Koontz I know. 
Back to the Charity:
Check it oooout! :)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Beginnings & Holiday Recap::.

I'm feeling a little naked in the street after that last post. It's not really like me to lay it completely out there for the world to see. Sure. I bitch and complain in my own right, but I sorta keep it to myself or within a tight circle. So whether it was a psychotic rant or not, maybe baring myself was good for me? I didn't lose any readers, so I guess I didn't frighten anyone. And, honestly....I feel loads better. Like I threw up a night's worth of tequila into what I thought was a toilet. So I guess I'll do what any classy drunk would do....swish my mouth out and move on. A little input would be appreciated though...even if you go the whole anonymous route. I'm cool with that.

Surprise! Aside from yesterday's rant, I've been missing. I've been a little lazy relaxed I guess. I obviously gave up on the 31 day photo challenge. I fail. Looks like I can't even finish a challenge where I participate on my ass. Nice. Ha.

What's been happening? The Holidays of course! I spent a lot of time baking...I had forgotten that I can get Betty Crocker with it. I stole a lot of recipes I found in the blog world, because obviously you people know how to sex a person with food. Especially  Jocelyn over at  Inside Brucrew Life. 

Remember me boasting an UUUH-MAZING Oreo Truffle Cupcake recipie? Well It's Jocelyn's creation! She claimed the glory yesterday and I'm so glad she did! I wanted to know where I had found them so I could stalk her other treats and share of course! I was kind of a tease with these babies since I couldn't give credit. Mystery here you go: Jocelyn's Oreo Truffle Surprise Cupcakes. Do it. These pictures I took are my version. I don't know why I snapped the photo on the decorating tray instead of the cute little Santa tray we served them on. 

I added a glaze for a 3rd layer. It's a combo of vanilla icing, honey and cream cheese. I melted and then drizzled on top of the chocolate layer after chilling in the refrigerator for a few. I'm having withdrawals right now just thinking about them. 

The non-food stuff? Was good, too. We did have an amazing Christmas. We spent way too much money and will be playing catch up for the next few months. Not cool. I can't help it. Something sparks inside of me about a week before Christmas, and I just go nuts. Even though I know the money is needed elsewhere, I shop. And shop some more. BUT they were pretty excited and extremely thankful. 

Haven asked for "a really tiny and cute aquatic turtle." A facebook friend saved  the day when she gave me turtle shack's website. And lucky me, they were having a "buy 1 get 2 free" sale--it was around $16 before shipping. S-C-O-R-E. She got all females and named them: Taya, Olivia, and Angel. So fruggin cute.  

 Ashton was deadset on one toy: "a walking, talking, remote control IronMan. Nothing stands in his way and he saves the day." That's the whole bit. He would recite that anytime someone asked him what he was wishing for. He kills me :) 

So Santa delivered that, too. And it's pretty totes. The reviews were HORRIBLE on it, but it was the ONLY thing he wanted. I'm glad I got it, because it works great for him. We have wood floors, and I would say that has a lot to do with it. 

After Christmas, was my birthday. It was an amazing day. I went into it with a different approach this year and I felt good all day. Normally I dread birthdays. I'm not a fan of getting older. I've seen old people. I don't think I wear wrinkles well. Thank you photoshop. Anyways, this year I decided I was going to be positive and appreciate the breath in my lungs. I made it another year. I'm luckier than some. Haven and I went shopping and had lunch, which was her pick. She chose subway...that's my girl! We talked and really just laughed and had fun. That evening I met with some of my favorites and we had ate infamous local Mexican food and hit a small bar for some drinks.

I had a GeorgiaPeach. OhhhEmmGee. Did I say one? I meant 3. We laughed and did girl talk, which I've lacked for a few months. It's was nice. After drinks, I met The Husband for a nice, kid-less night at home. 26 has been the best birthday I've had for awhile.

 For New Year's Eve, The Husband and I threw a party with the kiddos here at home. We ordered Applebees appitizers,  painted our faces, made "science lab coats" with our 2011 goals listed, played bored games, dressed up, watched a movie, and counted down to 2011! It was such a good time! 

I probably could have split this post up a little, but I wanted to get 2010 out of my system so I can start fresh. 

Did everyone have a good Holiday Season? How did you guys bring in the New Year? Is anyone doing the resolution thing?? Jocelyn (Oreo Truffle Surprise...get to know her for taste's sake!!!) posted something interesting yesterday that she does as an alternative to resolutions. She chooses a "word of the year." One word that represents the year's goals. I've decided to do something similar, BUT that's a different post........